Sunday, October 28, 2012

OO Art in NYC

If you're in New York these days, it might be worth checking out this, an exhibition and excursive program based on the work of Levi Bryant.  From their website:
Resonance at the Goethe-Institut Wyoming Building joins artwork and contributions by Agency, Diedrich Diederichsen, Faivovich & Goldberg, Anselm Franke, Christoph Keller, and weareQQ. This exhibition and discursive program, organized by curatorial officeRivet, engages with object-oriented thinking and probes a range of temporalities through a variety of contributions that give different formats of experience. 

Taking its key term from philosopher Levi BryantResonanceponders the specificities of change within systems and entities. The project suggests that viewers and participants pause and consider contemporary questions about interaction and autonomy, rights, and the relation between objects and environments. In its entirety,Resonance shows how understandings of community, ideology, law, and even the division between nature and culture become perturbed once the mark of distinction between subjects and objects is suspended. 

For the exhibition, Agency brings in Thing 000789 (Prince Charming)to focus on the legal category of "fixation" that aims to prevent resonance. Faivovich & Goldberg's work manifests how international art systems, local politics, indigenous rights, and questions about scientific procedures all of a sudden come to resonate with each other. This contribution continues and comments upon the artists' recent dOCUMENTA (13) project. weareQQ charts a reflexive and dynamic relation between film, environment, and event to think about community in terms of affect and ephemerality. 

The exhibition is accompanied by an active program: Agency hosts an assembly with local concerned people on Sunday, October 28;Diedrich Diederichsen will present a talk on Thursday, November 1; and Christoph Keller holds a lecture-performance on Tuesday, December 4. On Saturday, October 27, McNally Jackson Bookshosts the launch of Faivovich & Goldberg's latest volume from The Campo del Cielo Meteorites series published by dOCUMENTA (13). For the closing of the exhibition, Anselm Franke will contribute a written response to Resonance, which will be published on Rivet's website. 

Simultaneous to Resonance, Rivet organizes Resonance and Repetition at the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, which investigates the particularity of repetition and its relevance in thinking about attractions and perturbations between systems. A talk resonating with the topics of both exhibitions will take place at the New School for Social Research. 

Resonance is made possible thanks to the generous support of Friends of Goethe New York and Spain Culture New York—Consulate General of Spain.

Exhibition events:
Faivovich & Goldberg: Chaco, October 27, 7pm
Agency: Thing 000789 (Prince Charming), October 28, 2pm
Talk by Diedrich Diederichsen, November 1, 7pm

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